Monday, December 23, 2019

Vaccinations Do the Goods Outweigh the Bad - 785 Words

The world today is far different from how it used to be 2000 years ago, and 2000 more years from now it will continue to change. Changes come from what we currently have, so we have to decide what we are going to keep and what we want to change. One of the changes that we are going to have to decide is to keep or get rid of vaccines. A vaccination is when a person (normally a nurse) injects you with a small amount of weakened/dead microbes which helps your immune system get used to the disease and help prevent it. There are many benefits to have vaccines available to us, and like everything else in the world; there is a downside to having vaccines. Everyone has different opinions and depending on your perspective of how you see things, and what has happened to you. All of these factors can affect what and how you think of things. One of the areas that we have greatly improved in has been our medical studies. With the improvements in our medical studies came vaccines. The fi rst recorded vaccinated happened in 1774 by a farmer named Benjamin Jesty (The Dorest Page). Benjamin was an ordinary farmer, but during the summer there was an outbreak of smallpox (The Dorest Page). Small pox was a dangerous disease that sometimes ended with death. â€Å"Benjamin reasoned that if dairymaids who caught cowpox accidentally were immune to smallpox, then someone who caught cowpox deliberately should be equally immune. He therefore resolved to infect his family with cowpox with aShow MoreRelatedRisks Outweigh The Benefits Of Vaccines1552 Words   |  7 PagesRisks outweigh the benefits The side effects of vaccines are detrimental. Many parents are aware that vaccinations prevent disease and vaccinating their child aides in herd immunity. However, some may determine that the possible risks of vaccinations overshadow the benefits. The main concerns parents have are about the reactions to vaccinations. There is credible evidence that some vaccines may cause adverse events (Maglione, Das, Raaen, Smith, Chari, Newberry, Shanman, Perry, Bidwell GidengilRead MoreAnti Vaccination And Its Effects On Children1479 Words   |  6 PagesAmy Parker, a thirty-seven year-old mother of two, grew up in an anti-vaccination household as many children did in the early 1900’s. Her mother and father believed that eating fruits and vegetables and exercising daily was the key to becoming immune to diseases rather than getting a vaccine. Amy Parker did eat healthy; however, she was still vulnerable of acquiring diseases that could have been prevented by vaccines such as chicken pox and tonsillitis. When Amy Parker became a mother, she hadRead MoreIs Vaccination A Preventable Disease?879 Words   |  4 Pagesparents would do anything to protect their children and no parent wants to see their children suffer needlessly. So, why would any parent choose to subject their child to the possibility of contracting a preventable disease by refusing to have them vaccinated? More than likely the parent has read some article claiming that vaccinations are horrible and unnatural and can cause an array of problems ranging from autism to food allergies. While there are risks associated with vaccination, their provenRead MoreCompulsory Vaccinations And The Public Health Intervention Essay1324 Words   |  6 Pagescontroversy is when it comes to compulsory vaccinations, the public health intervention will always have negative or harmful effects in combination with the benefits of compulsory vaccinations. For those that stand behind the argument that immunizations are unnecessary in our children, have argued that the vaccine industry has misrepresented the safety of vaccines. They also have argued that they have covered up information regarding certain vaccinations to gain from the financial standard. In orderRead MoreVaccines Are The Tugboats Of Preventative Health1464 Words   |  6 Pagesnever used† (Shannon). In order to stay safe, vaccinations for children should not be a requirement because it diminishes the values and beliefs of various religions, is used for profit only, and the risks associated with vaccinations are life threatening. However, these reasons do not outweigh the benefits of being vaccinated. As stated by William Foege, â€Å"Vaccines are the tugboats of preventative health†. In regards to preventative health, vaccinations should be given to children to prevent them fromRead MoreTransmission and Symptoms of Influenza1537 Words   |  6 Pageswell as knowledge of how the flu virus is spread and preventative measures are important ways to mitig ate the severity of an outbreak. Side Effects of Treatments, Who should be Vaccinated, Who should not be Vaccinated and the Effectiveness of Vaccinations Vaccines can be delivered through injection, with killed virus, or in the form of a nasal spray. Stoppler (2011, p. 2) reports for the 2011-2012 flu season there is a vaccine that can be injected intradermally rather than intramuscularly isRead MoreAddressing Immunization Barriers, Benefits And Risks1217 Words   |  5 Pages With every medical procedure always comes with risks to consider, as do all things. One common risk is the reactions such as redness, swelling, and soreness at the injection site. In the article, â€Å"Addressing Immunization Barriers, Benefits, and Risks†, by Sanford R. Kimmel states â€Å"Swelling of the entire thigh or upper arm that lasts for a mean of 4 days has occurred in 2% to 3% of children after their fourth or fifth dose† (S65). When a person receives multiple shots they are likely to have swellingRead MoreVaccinations For A Healthy Lifestyle1656 Words   |  7 Pageson vaccinations to be maintain a healthy lifestyle. Although vaccinations can fight off disease they can also affect kids in negative ways. There are also parents who depend on certain vaccinations too much which can cause more problems in the long run. As the amount of kids who are not vaccinated grows, the amount of diseases that were once wiped away start to return. When kids are born they a re right away taken to get vaccinations. One of the reasons that young kids need more vaccinations is becauseRead MoreAnimal Testing - Necessary or Barbaric and Wrong? - Discursive Essay.1482 Words   |  6 Pagesand treatments for illness. For others, it is an unacceptable and unnecessary cruel way of exploiting animals for our own purposes. Treatments for illnesses such as tuberculosis, diabetes, kidney failure and asthma have all been discovered, and vaccinations against polio, diphtheria, tetanus and measles for example have all been found. There are strict laws in place for using animals for testing and research purposes, so as to minimise any pain and distress the animals may encounter. The AnimalsRead MoreMandatory Vaccination Laws And A Reflection Of Opposing Views1894 Words   |  8 PagesSpeaking strictly of James Lobo s argumentation, he provides a history of US court cases on Mandatory vaccination laws and a reflection of opposing views to support, defend, and challenge his argument. He points out that the measles outbreak of December 2014 in Disneyland, which had spread across the country there-afterwards, had been largely spread by unvaccinated children (Lobo 261). Orange County, where Disneyland lies, has a considerable population of parents who oppose vaccinating their children

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Allusions in Brave New World Free Essays

Henry Ford served as the inventor for the assembly line. He believed that the idea of independently manufacturing products was too inefficient and cultivated the idea to move the product instead of the people building it. Ford also pioneered technological research in developing products. We will write a custom essay sample on Allusions in Brave New World or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ford served as the turning point for technology; introducing and utilizing break-through ideas. Not only did he change how automobiles were manufactured, he changed the way people thought about technology. He made new technologies readily accessible and set the standard for the 20th century. In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, Huxley makes Ford the center-point for why the new society was created, the old one was un-happy and inefficient. Replacing God with Ford, Brave New World, showcases how Ford’s ideas could have been implemented. 2. Vladimir Lenin was the first person to make a country completely communist. With his uniting of the Soviet Union, Lenin integrated his communist ideologies into its member countries. Lenin derives many of his beliefs from his time when he was a member of the Bolshevik faction. This is where he accumulated Marxism fundamentals. Unlike in Brave New World, Lenin believed in a single class. Brave New World, invasions a perfect society with multiple social classes. In these classes, all of their members are perfectly fit with where they stand in society. There is neither backlash nor hatred among the population against the other classes. Lenin, however, believes that having different classes arouses hatred amongst a society’s citizens. 3. Thomas Malthus was an English economist that is much acclaimed for inventing modern-day rent as well as sparking awareness of population growth. The father of Malthusianism, he believed that economic factors were to be held above all else in a society. He also believed that England’s out-of-control population growth would eventually hurt the economy. He believed that the government should play a role in determining population growth. He was also, however, a firm believer in natural selection. Brave New World follows many of Malthus’ ideas. The primary being his belief of population growth control. Huxley implements this by having the government control all factors of the population and essentially removes bad-traits through natural selection. The society only produces people that have few DNA imperfections, allowing them to be the strongest. This essentially removes natural selection as a problem for the society. 4. Thomas Hunt Morgan was an evolutionary geneticist. He is praised with having found that genes are carried on chromosomes. Morgan also found the significance of sex-linked traits and was able to prove Darwin’s sex determination theory incorrect. Brave New World demonstrates Morgan’s genetic heredity theories by utilizing genetics to artificially create people. 5. Lewis Henry Morgan was an acclaimed anthropologist. He theorized that society in general is much greater than the need for a family. He stressed that kinship must be attained by all of the societies members. He also believed that people must sense belongingness within a group in order to feel happy. Brave New World demonstrates Morgan’s fundamentals by embracing the need to belong, in order to feel happy. Citizens in Brave New World are made to feel happy by having a sense of belongingness within their own social class. They put down other social groups and only feel good about theirs. Each member is happy where he or she is in the class system. 6. Benito Mussolini was an Italian fascist dictator. Mussolini believed heavily in the national or group based identity. He wanted his citizens to act as one, having extreme pride for their nation and hiding their personal identities. He demanded that foreign influences be eradicated. Brave New World embraces Mussolini’s ideas by having its citizens share a mass-identity within their class. Individual identity differences are put aside and people only classify others past upon their class. 7. Herbert Hoover, a former U. S. president, believed that efficiency was the solid backbone of an economy. He theorized that the U. S. economy was heavily inefficient and as a result was beginning to slow down. He instituted many new government policies that were built upon this idea. Brave New World demonstrates this efficiency policy into the society’s main economy. The government controls most enterprises and believes that inefficiencies would slow down the economy. Automation and technology are utilized whenever possible. 8. Leon Trotsky was a Russian communist leader in the early 20th century. His beliefs, called Trotskyism, stated that the working class should have supreme power in government control. Brave New World implements Trotsky’s ideas through social classification with a cast system. Although there is a working class and wealthy class, the majority are working class members. Socialism is also used throughout Brave New World by the distribution of wealth and control. 9. Charles Darwin was the father of evolution and natural selection. Darwin brought about the idea of genetic evolution by theorizing that only the strongest in a population will survive and be able to carry on their genes. Brave New World takes on these ideas by utilizing genetic engineering to ensure that the society members have the best genes and have few DNA imperfections. This ensures that the members of a class will not be able to become stronger than the high class. It also ensures a broad single identity amongst a class’s members. 10. Napoleon Bonaparte was a military ruler and dictator of France and eventually most of Europe. Bonaparte used many tactics in order to control his population. He introduced Napoleonic code, which stated that men were superior and outlined a new French government. He also heavily utilized propaganda by controlling the press and restricting access to historic publications. Brave New World shares many parallels with Bonaparte. The government uses censorship in order to control public opinion. They ban texts such as Shakespeare in order to alleviate artistic interpretations and opinions. 11. Hermann von Helmholtz was a German physicist that introduced the conservation of energy and electrodynamics. Helmholtz believed that technological innovation within science was lacking but the information in order to so was. He presented that technology could be used to grow society and make it more efficient. Brave New World takes some of Helmholtz’s ideas about technological innovation and efficiency. The society pushes itself to keep innovating. The society also embraces science as a way of life through shared concepts such as thermodynamics. 12. John B. Watson was a psychologist of the behaviorism philosophy of psychology. Watson regarding everything that humans do, such as thinking, acting, or sensing, can be regarded as behaviors. These behaviors can be altered through classical or operant conditioning. Brave New World uses these ideals in order to shape how the society members think and act. Classical conditioning is used in order to change people’s behaviors. These are as simple as thinking a pant color looks good or bad. 13. Karl Marx was a German communist philosopher. He presented his ideas through Marxism, a sub-unit of communism. Working with Friedrich Engels, he believed that capitalism was a corrupt economic policy, stating that it would eventually lead to socialism, followed by communism. Brave New World encompasses his ideas by separating classes but having each class feel good about itself. Alphas look down upon epsilons, but epsilons also look down upon the alphas, instead of having jealousy. Brave New World shares the ideas of Marx but does everything possible in order to avoid them. 14. Friedrich Engels was an industrialist and co-founder of Marxism. Engels believed in a single working class with quality. Brave New World takes Engels ideas and tries to do everything possible in order to avoid a Marxist based situation. Although there are different classes, they all share similar working types and although there are higher classes, there is not a classic cast system of the haves and have-nots. 15. Jean Jacques Rousseau’s Noble Savage depicts the idea that society corrupts the good natural state of a person. Brave New World shows the noble savage as John. Not correctly anticipating the new society makes him loose his values. It shows how society changes a person’s personality in order to fit within the society. 16. The quote â€Å"God’s in his heaven – all’s right with the world† in the poem Pippa Passes is modified in Brave New World. The words God and heaven and substituted by Ford and flivver respectively. Ford is used instead of God, as modern-day religion does not exist within the new society. Ford is referred to as the cultivator of the society. Flivver is used instead of heaven as flivver referrers to something unsatisfactory or low in quality. Flivver is also used to describe old cars, notable since Ford created the modern automobile. When stating that Ford is in his flivver, this indicates that Ford has changes the world forever. Basically stating that Ford is happy where he is, the state of flivver. 17. Shakespeare’s The Tempest is used within Brave New World as an ironic symbol for the new society. When John of Brave New World and Miranda of The Tempest say â€Å"O, Brave New World†, they do not what the new society is like. They both incorrectly mistake the new world as perfect with no imperfections. Unlike Amanda, John eventually realizes the imperfections of the new world. Amanda never finds out the truth. 18. Soma is an ancient Indian herb drink. It was used to give energy to the consumer and is considered a spiritual drink. Brave New World citizens consume soma in order to relax anxiety and stress. 19. Mustafa Kemel Ataturk was the first ruler of modern-day Turkey following its independence from the Ottoman Empire. Kemel was a liberal-progressive who introduced a new Turkish alphabet and introduced many reforms under Kemalism. These included the removal of religious law and introduction of women’s rights. Brave New World encompasses several of Kemel’s beliefs such as the belief of socialism and government-controlled entities. How to cite Allusions in Brave New World, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Why I Want to Obtain My Master free essay sample

In the contemporary world university degree is very important and many students enter the university each year to earn their bachelors or Master’s. Usually people use their university degree to advance their careers and to achieve success. But those people who have ambitions and who determinate with their career plans, the best decision is to continue education and to develop and improve theoretical knowledge and practical skills in chosen field. Besides educational background, practical experience also lays important role in the career. Due to my current obligations (work/life) I have the desire to receive further education cannot interrupt my current career and do not have an opportunity to attend traditional classes and to devote several years of my life exceptionally to the studying. By obtaining my master`s degree I have a better chances in the competitive labor market and usually have higher level of income. (To be honest) By obtaining this higher degree and good educational background and wide practical experience I will have good opportunities to be successful. We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Want to Obtain My Master or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page By obtaining my Master degree via Capella University, I will have wide range of choice and can choose that educational program which will meet all of my needs and requirement. By me obtaining my master’s degree in mental health counseling it would possible display the different in different spheres are more flexible and have combined knowledge and skills. Why I chose to pursue a master’s degree? â€Å"I want to go back to school for my master’s† has almost become my mantra over the last few years. I always knew that returning to school was in my future, but struggled with when to return and which degree I wanted to pursue. Knowing that I had to balance school and work schedules, I considered a Master in Counseling with a focus on Mental Health. Ever since I was a little girl, I always liked working or helping others. When I was studying in for my Bachelors in Social Work, I would really enjoy my classes that focus on counseling/mental health industry. I always put effort into it and wanted to read, write, speak, and understand mental health arena. I would enjoy counseling class so much, that it was easy for me. I always got good grades, and to the amazement of other, counseling/mental health was the subject in which I had the highest grades. I also admired and respected all of my instructors. I wanted to be like them. I realized since I was very young, that I wanted to be provide counseling to the most underserved community members; and I knew that I was going to become one. When I graduated from high school, I was admitted at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. I enrolled in the School of Business. My major was Accounting. I did so to please my parents and what I thought would be the best fit. I was not very happy, and I must confess that I was bored to death. After two years of studying something that I did not like, I changed my focus to School of Social Work. I was taking elective classes in Social Work/Mental Health Counseling and realize that this field held my interest and really represented how I viewed myself and the world. I was out from College for 5 years. Working with the Department of Social Services and numerous nonprofit organizations. For the last 5 years I have been working as a Social Worker for Department of Social Service Child Protective Service Investigator. I actual love my job because it is customer (client) oriented and I got to practice my counseling skills indirectly and directly with my clients I encounter on an daily basis. As one can imagine, I encounter a lot of individuals on a daily basis that has some form of mental health issues or whose life has been affected by mental health related illness. Also with my daily experience with Area Mental Health and other advocacy center, I feel that this is a world that I could make a difference. Last year, I enrolled in some continuing education classes offer by my place of employment and were immediately reemerged I to that old feeling. The training was wonderful and enriching experience for me. I could not believe that I was finally there. I have learned so much and I reaffirmed myself that I want to be a work and obtain my master in Mental Health Counseling. I want to pursue a Masters Degree in Mental Health Counseling because I want to learn more and deeply about the interworking/theories behind some of practices behind mental health policy. And possibly make old policy more up to date with todays every changing society and world.