Friday, May 8, 2020

case study student development - 1772 Words

Case Study Paper Hiring a Diverse Staff Southwest State University is hiring new Resident Assistants (RA). Southwest State University is a small public baccalaureate university of approximately 2,500 students. Second year hall director Marcus is serving his first year on the Resident Assistant Selection committee. The school holds twenty positions and currently has seven available. Cheryl is the head of the RA Selection committee and she is the Assistant Director of Residence Life. The committee will interview nineteen students and rank them from â€Å"best† to â€Å"not ready† for the position. In the ranking process, Cheryl asked them to take note of candidates’ race and ethnicity based on observable†¦show more content†¦It is good to have diversity in a staff, but if members are in different stages of development, it could have a ripple effect and turn the whole organization around. Marcus, who was a part of the search committee for new RA’s, seemed confused ab out the process of finding a new RA. Cheryl mentioned that interviewing was just one part of the selection, which indicated there is another part to the hiring process. Cheryl decided to go ahead and offer positions to the students of color, and these students of color will not have to do the second part of the process. Schuh mentions assessment as analyzing and interpreting evidence that describes institutional, divisional, or agency effectiveness (Schuh et al., 2011). Schuh then recommends evaluation to use the assessment to improve departmental and institutional effectiveness. To become effective as an organization, assessments and evaluations are important to produce success. Without assessment and evaluation, finding a good fit for a program will be hard. Cheryl did not do a full assessment of all the students when going through an interview process. She is having the students of color miss out on the next stage in the hiring process because they are of color. The justice in th is case is threatened because not every student has the same chance of actually becoming an RA from the beginning. The loss of trust could also be comprised in Marcus eyes towards Cheryl, because she does not trust or listen to hisShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of The Personal Development For Citizenship Education1220 Words   |  5 PagesThe Importance of the Personal Development Purpose to Citizenship Education I believe there is an immense responsibility on a Social Studies teacher to develop good and responsible students who value their identity and citizenship. The Alberta Social Studies curriculum emphasizes that, â€Å"the dynamic relationship between citizenship and identity forms the basis for skills and learning outcomes in the program of studies† (Alberta Education 2005, p. 3). 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(1986). Education and National Development: A Comparative Perspective, New York: Pergamon Press. Ohmahe, Kenichi (1991), Beyond National Borders, Tokyo: Bantam Books. Olson, David, R. (Ed)Read MoreDevelopmental Case Study Of A Kindergartener987 Words   |  4 Pages Developmental Case Study of a Kindergartener Frances M. Morado University of Houston-Downtown Abstract This paper explores the cognitive development, psychosocial development, moral reasoning, and oral language development of a five year old, Hispanic male kindergartener, named Esteban. These different stages are tested with the use of Piaget, Erikson, and Kohlberg s theory as identified in the text, Slavin, R. (2015), Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice (11thRead MoreStudy Abroad Is Beneficial For All College Students Development1394 Words   |  6 Pagessignal to the reader how study abroad is beneficial to all college students development. 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